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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 8, 2016

Amnesty: From Backward Forensic Analysis To Forward Ultimate Solution.

A Color Game Pattern Analysis For Clues.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI



Biotech tropicana,IncForensics.




From 2010 to present, we systematically collected data in a color game. We analyze the data for recurrent patterns. We then make a  backward analysis for similar patterns.  Based on results of the backward pattern analysis, we conclude that the color game was initiated back from 1995.

The game may in some instance cause damages; both to person and to business. Therefore, the game is serious enough to justify the investment of time and resources for the purpose of developing security strategies to protect personal and business interests from damage.

Keywords: Color game; Data collection; Backward Analysis; Security; Personal Interests; Business Interests;




Data suggesting a color coding messaging were systematically gathered from community sites, the internet, and the press. Data were methodically organized and analysed for clues to deciphering any coded messages. Eligible codes were tested for failed/passed alternatives in community sites. Results of the tests suggest color coded communications in silent scenarios.


In house learning of coded message scenarios. The basic training skills were further tested to larger scale in community sites. In house training a brake point in color game.


Serious disturbances with poison attacks in food, bed, chair, and many others common household utilities. Similar attacks at community level, but with harder drugs. Target has no clue on origin and purpose of attacks.  Defense strategy developed by avoiding the items used for attacks. Personal investigation initiated.


No clue on any coded messaging scenarios. Backward analysis suggests coded messaging was practiced. Scenarios have changed but the purpose did not evolve. This suggests a collaborative work between the initiators of the tracking and color coding messaging coordinators of the 1995-1999 period with the coordinators of the 2000-2004 period.


No clue on any coded messaging scenarios. Backward analysis suggests coded messaging was practiced. Detailed backward analysis indicates a link between target research activities and origin, with only one purpose transfer target from production line related activities to consumption line related activities. For example, from a scientific research laboratory to office administrative activities. The activities target is transferred to are not important, as long as it won’t lead to a production line activity. Numerous venues are provided.  Rewards are proposed for peaceful transfer. Sanctions to physical elimination are raised and applied for continuation of production line related activities.


The evidences suggest that the tracking and color coding messaging was initiated back in 1995 and linked to target scientific research activities. It appears an interest group that initiated the tracking is not accepting that people of certain origin practiced certain types of activities that may in medium or long term get in competition with their interests in the region of origin. Current context on international relations prevent them from making an opened and official argument. In these circumstances, the silent color coding messaging is an appropriate venue to make their argument. Where the laws are not in their favour, the interest groups are willing to pay big to any one who will collaborate to protect their interests. Here , the interests at stake go beyond the target personal interests; the key here is not only to prevent by any mean necessary the target to succeed in the production lines, but to avoid a spread of the concept and approach in the region. No one in that region shall be permitted to learn the concept. The target shall not be permitted any form of affiliation. The target must be isolated to ensure that the concept dies with him. With big interests to protect with big money, opportunists will emerge from any class of society.


  1. Tracking Initiation: Countries C-F (1995-1999)

By 1995 target was assigned an old stalled research project in countryC. The teams working on the project in countryF stuck. They could not decipher the clues to advance. The project was transferred from countryF to countryC. Project supervisor in countryC was trained in countryF. After two weeks of investigations, target and supervisor identified the basis of the stalling of the project. Target designed the strategies to overcoming the blockades. Supervisor in countryC approved the strategy and ordered them implemented. The results were successful. The following week, the owner of the project flies from countryF to countryC to collect the results. Supervisor in counytryC was very happy for the success and presented target to project owner from countryF. ‘Target deciphers the clues. Not me” , said supervisor from countryC. Supervisor promised to take target with him to countryF on next visit. That trip never took place. Two weeks later, the project owner flies again from countryF to the lab in countryC. The target remembered in fine details, the kaki dress and the kaki bag of project owner from countryF. Almost twenty years later, a young trainer will teach target that the kaki is unfriendly.   

Delays in diploma thesis: Countries C-A-B.  

Expected effect low. Some effect on public sector activities. Nil to low effect on private  sector activities.

In countryC, delay in diploma thesis is irrelevant because condition on admission to thesis work is to continue to a PhD degree. Master level not accepted in lab. Furthermore, target decided to pursue PhD thesis in countryA based on good simulation pre test scores and good chance of admission promises based on academic records presented to three different universities on visit. Target did succeed the transfer of PhD to countryA with admission in one University.

Even where a delay in diploma thesis would be irrelevant, backward forensic analysis suggests blockade scenarios. Female laboratory will in numerous occasion switch identification marks on experimental materials making data not interpretable, and the experiment null. On complain the female laboratory staff will always appear and propose not to complain and come and take a coffee with her. Similar patterns of causing damage followed by proposal is commonly practiced by sex warriors in countryB.  The female laboratory staff in countryC may therefore be a sex warrior.  The pattern of damage followed by proposal characteristic of sex warriors was also practiced in numerous occasions by office female secretary in university in countryB. In a collaborative project with possibility of developing a diploma thesis, will not deliver letter from target company.

  1. The birth of alliances:

To push for a cause one is barred from raising before any official jurisdiction, one must rely on unofficial  alliances.

The countryF-CountryK alliances for operation in countryA, with countryK as lead operator in countryA. To help their ally countryK will make up the male red tail, female red head, and the pink on black. All three codes have the same and one purpose, circumvent rights and block one type of activity (production lines) for another type of activity (consumption lines).  

CountryF will pay back by protecting interests of countryK in areas of influences of countryF.

CountryG is reserved for fire fighter roles, easing tensions where situations may turn violent.  The three F-K-G allies will have a secret meeting to share the wins from abroad.

Cooperations will contribute in task execution on the ground with the help of ally local dogs.

Even where evidences are not enough to confirm our alliance scenarios, pattern analysis of color coded meassages when combined with on ground practices support our hypothesis.

  1. Design complexity show the limits of power of the alliances

In face of an opponent operating in a highly complex stricture, defining a key target to hit to produce an effect become more challenging than the target itself.  Target definition requires high IQ. Possession of the best sophisticated weapons here is not enough to win such a war.   


  1. At community level

The patterns seem to the same. Cells of alliances operate. Each cell is affiliated to one or more donors from rich countries. Some cells will claim citizenship of the rich country, they never visit.  The rich country will donate to the cell. The cell will push for the interests of the donor country in their community; including acts of terrorism.  In our view, terrorists should not funded.


The all many years multiple scenarios by so many actors have only one purpose, force target daily activities from a production line to a consumption line against his will. Superior intelligence when combined the will of target’s two closest allies will prove them wrong.   


Key Points:

Color games scenarios are organized to mislead people for the purpose of transferring target ‘s business activities from a production line that competes for raw material and market with color game organizers,  toward  a consumption line that instead consumes products of competitors.

After more than 20 years, more than 20.000 attempts, and more than 2 billions supporters across the globe the competitors failed. Yet, the competitors succeeded in demonstrating the limits of their power, the end of an era of supremacy, and the beginning of another era of success by merit. They invested to loose for a superior competitor.

Target’ s company steady continues to grow toward self sustainability and emerge to become a technology super power operating on a global scale. Here, discipline in following training supervisor advices saved target’s career. According to laboratory training supervisor, based his assessment of target performance, target could be successful in career as research scientist in the public sector or as tech developer for business in the private sector. Therefore, on arrival in countryA, target splits his activity time evenly in two: scientific research in public university and business development with the private sector.  Heavy selective pressure by the public sector will force target to shift the total of his activity time toward tech business development in the private sector. The heavy selective pressure from the public sector, to a large proportion determined the speed and extend of target success in the private sector. On average many private tech companies will reach global authority in the second decade from founding. In face of hard limitation of options and forced dedication of all time to private tech business, target’s company reached global authority just midway in the first decade; with a frontier breaking innovation resolving a global challenge in the sixth year from founding:’ a key innovation that confers the company the authority it needs to operate free of dependency on others for future global activities.


We investigate for sources of barriers to daily activities of target and allies owned company. We determine the blockades and forced diversion initiatives were initiated some 20 years ago: numerous evidences indicate countryF as the initiator of the cheating activities. Numerous allies will side with countryF. The company seriously suffers in the hands of its abusers in the early infancy period before and from founding. After a decade of activity the company develops a network of alliances and supporters, and internal scientific and technical capabilities to cause serious damages to any candidate for abuse: in dissuasive and self defense strategies. Yet, even where the company took security issues very seriously, company activities are designed todevote more time and resources toward self sustainability and generation of new wealth.




[1] A, YARI & V. YARI; Conspiracy Sites Revisited.

Investigative Reports (1):(1) 6, 2016


[1] A. YARI & V. YARI SMARTPolicing Police: Investigating Potential Passport-Visa Processing Links. Investigative Reports (1):(1):2, 2015

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (10.12.2016)
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