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Current Cases

Case #: 9


Misplaced or stolen item of the Biotch tropicana Systems.

Item Description:

  1. HP Lap Top Computer # 4
  2. HP Lap Top Computer # 5
  3. A radio CD player combo

Item were last seen and definitively left in house in Parakou, Benin on or about December 25, 2016. House was closed and keys left in another before traveling for exploratory activities in Kandi, Benin. On return to Parakou, house was unlocked and items 1. 2,and 3 were missing. Items 1 and 2 are assigned to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems and contained duplicate data of daily activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems, as archives.

Losses to Company:

  1. Intellectual property loss: nil (zero). Computers were classified as NOT SECURED and contain no data classified as business secret.
  2. Material loss: estimated at $ 1500 USD as $800 USD in hardware loss at $200 each for computer 1 and $600 for computer 2, and $ 700 USD losses in software.  


Keys were left in a secured place in another house. Therefore suspect(s) who may have misplaced or stolen items are likely those accustomed to both houses. HP Pavillon lap computer # 2 was previously under similar scenario by a suspect and then returned. Suspect in first case is eligible for classification as a suspect in this second case of misplacing or stealing computers from the Biotech tropicana Systems computer network.


Other suspects may be involved. Give reasonable time for investigation and policy 7, before initiation of judicial proceedings under policy 8.  


Data must be duplicated de novo in 2 other computers from computers operated on daily basis to avoid data loss.


Updates 1:


New evidences suggest additional suspects in misplacing or stealing the items classified as properties of the biotech tropicana Systems. Investigations are in progress aiming to recover the items.


Items at issue do not contain data classified as business secret or security sensitive data. Yet other SECURED computers that contained business secrets and security data on Africa and Africans are equally vulnerable to misplacement of theft in the same manner as the NOT SECURED computers. To protect business interests of the Biotech tropicana Systems by protecting security sensitive data on Africa and Africans, any identified suspect of misplacement of theft of computers classified as properties of the Biotech tripoicana Systems SHALL be recommended for execution for high treason. Killing one bad citizen to protect data on which rely the lives of millions of good but weaker citizens would result in substantial life gains, consistent with the Biotech tropicana Systems prolife pro development policy 33.  Failure to apply heavy sanctions on bad citizens that stea3 valuable data for easy and inappropriate gains would result in security sensitive data on Africa and Africans being transferred in the hands of non African foreigners. Such bad citizens should not be permitted to live within African populations.



Update 2:


Even where the stolen computers contained no data classified as “business secret” of the Biotech tropicana Systems, preliminary analysis based on available data suggest the computers were stolen for propaganda purpose by competing groups. Up to 90% of data contained in the computers are available for access to all as open source materials in the website of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Preliminary analysis would therefore suggest the computers were stolen by organized crimes groups.


The inability of the thieves to access any document classified as business secret confirms the superiority of the security system of the Biotech tropicana Systems.



Update 2:

Detailed analysis of data contained in the two stolen computers assigned to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM showed that not comma of intellectual property of business value to the Biotech ropicana Systems was lost. In more than years of operation in the developing world, the Biotech tropicana Systems did never loose a comma of intellectual property placed under the security systems of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The single and only lost was a capital investment portfolio lost in a project not owned by the biotech tropicana Systems and placed under the security systems.


Investigation to locate and recover the two stolen computers from Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM are in progress.



Update 3:

Text processed in computer node PC 5 is altered. PC 5 is peer to peer networked from purchase, data may therefore altered from networked nodes as demonstrated by previous alterations of genetic courses stored in PC5. Recent alterations in drug notes linked to recurrent numbers 17, 8 previously recommended for tracking by internal security units. In drug notes the 8 number is linked to insurance related data. The 17 number is linked to WHO therefore health data.


A Fujitsu Japanese made computer was recently stolen in Kandi, Benin. It appears the thefts in Parakou, Benin are linked to the thefts in Kandi, Benin.

  1. The thefts may be coordinated by cells having some knowledge in genetics, health, and insurance.
  2. Alternatively, since PC5 was networked from sale, the operator of the networking is stealing the computers using cells having knowledge in genetics, health, and insurance.


  1. thing is clear, we are dealing here with a nonrandom organized criminals. PC5 was purchased abroad, suggesting a cross border organized crime. The question now is why such a broad cross border organization is stealing used computers, when the cost of coordination a cross border theft operation worth more than the used computers? A reasonable hypothesis is that they may be looking for data contained in the computers instead, pointing to competing groups.


  1. in progress.


Case #: 8


Stolen Item of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Item Description:

Alternative energy source. Item is a solar energy charger. Item purchased with receipt and registered as a private property of the Biotech tropicana System.

Case processing:

  1. Suspect identified based on solid verifiable evidences.
  2. Negotiation request protocol initiated. Suspect is given an opportunity to return stolen item. Policy 7)a

Biotech tropicana Systems.

  1. Negotiations to be closed on Sunday January 15, 2017 at midnight. Policy 7)c Biotech tropicana Systems.
  2. Where suspect failed to take advantage of the negotiation window, judicial proceedings SHALL be initiated against suspect, as of Monday January 16, 2017.  Policy 8. Biotech tropicana Systems



Suspect’s parent apologized for misconduct of “minor” children for trespassing into owner properties without authorization. Suspect and parents confirmed not to have possession of stolen solar energy charger, and suggested other links. Effectively three young black males in the 20s or less entered the premises before the minor children claiming to be hunting for savage rats. Owner did not check for missing solar energy charger before the events placing the minor children in. Parents and minor children therefore deserve the benefits of doubt.  


The three young males are added in the list of suspects and must be given an equal opportunity to return stolen item under policy 7, before initiation of judicial proceedings under policy 8.   

  1. -------------
  2. Case # 7:


TITLE: Counter attacking the house attackers.


Systematic attacks of houses of building of activity sites of the Biotech tropicana Systems.


  1. Cotonou, Benin

A house rent by the Biotech tropicana Systems for activities in Cotonou was systematically vandalized.  Electrical counter purchased by the Biotech tropicana Systems was tricked by technician who installed the equipment. The electrical system was connected to neighbouring house counter instead. Manipulated and over bills were submitted to the Biotech tropicana Systems for payments. Later investigations demonstrated that large amount of money was stolen from assets of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

  1. Parakou, Benin

Electrical system was manipulated to burn many electricity powered equipments of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

  1. Kandi, Benin

Purchased keys were apparently manipulated and copied to get occess to the offices of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Numerous equipments were destroyed  or stolen.


  1. To identify the attackers and develop a systematic counter attack strategy.
  2. Where identified counter attack to the levels of the attacks
  3. Develop and apply a deterrence strategy.


Systematic access to all houses suggest venues for key copying.  Key copy may be obtained in collaboration with landlords or vendors or alternative venues to explore. 



Displaced item in suspect line 2 was doubled. A second identical item was found.


Either item was displaced and then returned because suspect had still access to house using applying mechanisms previously used OR item was exchanged for another. Here, a limitation of the policy framework of the Biotech tropicana Systems.  All items of high value are systematically marked and numbered as properties  of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Items of low value are not. The policy framework of the Biotech tropicana Systems is therefore amended with “Item identification policy:”  The doubling of the item does not exclude suspect 2 in anyway; particularly when combined with previous thefts and destructions.


Case processing in  progress.


Case #: 6

Date: 8/26/2016

TITLE: Misplaced or Stolen item of the Biotech tropicana Systems

  1. Item Description: TV-1

A SHARP made television set for office use.

Item was used in office or in house based on availability of energy.

  1. Aim:
  2. To Investigate for MISPLACEMENT by external suspect or THEFT.
  3. Where THEFT established, file  a formal complain in court
  4. Background:

Item was last seen on xxxxxxxxxxxxx (see date of  exploration activites on site). Item was used on last closing night of exploratory activities and functions properly.

Other items of the Biotech tropicana Systems were previously misplaced and returned during the process of investigations. Patterns of displacements and returns indicate deliberate activities aiming to disturb internal activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Cases were concluded and closed upon return of the missing items.

  1. Issues:

The missing of the item falls into a pattern of misplacements, damages, or theft of items of the Biotech tropicana Systems that seriously disturb internal activities. 

  1. Investigation:
  1. Investigate whether the item is displaced by an external suspect or stolen.
  1. Procedures

The Biotech tropiicana,IncFORENSICS SHALL coordinate the investigations with the Biotech troppicana,InCSECURITY TASK FORCE, and the Biotech tropicana,InCLITIGATOR .

  1. Reports
  1. Establish a separate report for each section in 3.


Evidences gathered at this stage of the investigation as date of 8-26-2016  identified suspects.  




Item was  last seen by witness house inhabitant after last departure of owner. Witness testimony to be verified. Item was rotated between site 1 (witness house) and site 2 (owner house and office)..


Item may be last stored either in site 1 if witness testimony is confirmed. Alternatively item may be left in site 2.


Available evidences suggest suspects for both alternatives.

Suspect 1 had access to keys of sites 1 between owner departure and return.

Suspect 2 had possession of items of the Biotech tropicana Systems left in key locked office on departure. Possession of these items clearly indicate that suspect 2 must have entered in the office after owner departure.

Owner has evidences of pervious illegal entries in both sites by suspects 1, 2, or x.  Both suspects 1 and 2 have established linkages with external suspects x, including foreigners. Patterns of thefts and destruction suggest foreign interests than locals. Items stolen that may be of high value to foreigners are reasonable of no value to many illustrate locals.  Items destroyed and the patterns of destruction have reasonable competitive interests to foreign competitors of the system, and reasonable little interests to local illiterates.


A reasonable hypothesis is that foreign competitor cells are funding local illiterates for the thefts and destructions for the purpose of delaying the clear cut competitive edge of the Biotech tropicana Systems in many aspects of technological innovation targeting the developing world market.

General Analysis:

A general analysis of the patterns of all thefts and destructions point to a market race the Biotech tropicana Systems  are winning.

An illiterate who cannot read nor write can give a billion dollar worth tech design for a motor bike or an old car worth much time less.

Even where preliminary tech designs of the Biotech tropicana Systems contained many deliberate holes and errors to make it impossible for an outsider to use, a detailed investigation is warranted for further development of the security system of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Where clear cut evidences of criminal activities are established formal filing of formal complain in appropriate court shall be initiated.


Investigation in progress.


Case # 5:

Misplaced or Stolen Items of the Biotech tropicana Systems

Case Summary:

Late June in Kandi, Benin, items of the Biotech tropicana Systems were misplaced or stolen.

Item Description:

  1. Item # com-1, com-2, and com-3, networking devices assigned to the Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR unit, used for internet access in remote areas.

Value: $150 USD.

  1. Item # tel-6, an android based smart phone assigned to the Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR unit, used for telephone communications and hand held internet access in remote areas.

Value: $30 USD.

  1. Item # sim-8, sim-13, sim-14, networking devices assigned to the Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR unit, used for telephone communications and hand held internet access in remote areas.

Value: $6 USD

Item #: usb-1, usb-2, usb-3, usb-4, mobile computer storage devices assigned to Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER , used for data transfers between computer stations.

Value: $22 USD

  1. Personal items of unspecified value.
  2. Total cash value of items: $202 USD.


Beyond their cash value, items are critical work equipments, particularly for out of office exploration activities in remote areas. Misplacement of theft of the equipments seriously impede the Biotech tropicana Systems exploration capacities.  Where evidences gathered so far are not enough to conclude in favour of malicious competition, the misplacement or theft of the equipments fit into a pattern of systematic and repetitive attacks on key work equipments of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Therefore, the opening of an investigative file is justified.

Future Directions:

Pursue the investigation to gather more evidences to include or exclude the malicious competition hypothesis. Where the evidences gathered support deliberate attacks, file a formal complain before competent authorities against the attackers.

Case Specifics:

In light of the work value of the equipments, the  Biotech tropicana Systems replace some of the equipments on credit to restore essential capacities.

Item Replaced:

Item purchased with supporting bill of sale:

  1. Support to re-construct Usb-5. Usb was reconstructed using the newly purchase support to operate item s-usb-3, a mobile storage device used in tablets. Usb-5 restores data transfer capacity between computers.

Value: $1 USD.

  1. Item tel-8, a telephone device, restores telephone communication capacity.

Value: $16 USD.

  1. Item com-4, a networking device, restores internet access capacity in remote areas.

Value: $60 USD.

Total Cash Value of Items purchased on credit: - $77 USD.

Total Cash Damage Due To Misplacement or Theft:

-202 - 77 = - $279 USD.

Related Issues:

In addition to the issues raised above:

  1. Items: tab-2, tab-3, tab-4, android supported tablets, suffered physical damages that incapacitated the equipments.
  2. Item tv-3, a portable television set equipped with radio receiving capacity, for use in remote areas during exploratory expeditions was damaged.
  3. Item tel-6, a waterproof telephone, for outdoor use during raining season in remote areas was damaged. 
  4. Item sol-2, a solar energy system, with lighting and light hardware charging capacity was damaged.
  5. Item rad-4, rad-5, battery powered portable radio receivers, were damaged.
  6. Item pc-6, a small portable acer computer was damaged.


Pursue the investigations for the purpose:

  1. To prosecute
  2. To improve security protocols, particularly for digital equipments.

Most recurrent type of attacks on items of the Biotech tropicana Systems:

  1. Physical breakage of essential equipments
  2. Electrical attacks on essential equipments
  3. Thefts of essential equipments


The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE unit shall initiate a new project to study in details the security breach issues and propose an improved security protocol to protect the essential work equipments.




Case #  4:

A “Money” little mafia

Aim: To Investigate whether the blockers of funds and assets of the Biotech tropicana Systems in the order of millions the south of Benin Republic are linked to the creditors of “ small coins” in the north.

A scheme of organized crime ?


Case # 3

  1.  Attack on the Biotech tropicana Systems Satellite Communication System.

Aim: To Investigation Potential “Deliberate” Attack on the Biotech tropicana Systems Satellite Communication System

Date: 4/12/2016

  1. Background:

As of April 8, 2016, the BTS satellite communication system demonstrated altered to inefficient performance.

The system previously demonstrated a good performance after a first set up in Cotonou, Benin.

A second setup in Parakou, Benin demonstrated a good performance with reduced channel accessibility.

  1. Issues:
  1. The system suffered an electric shock in February that was fixed with a new material.
  2. A component of the satellite disappears a day before the second set up in Parakou, Benin. The component was found with the technician that operates the second set up.
  3. The system failed two weeks after the second step up.
  1. Investigation:
  1. Investigate whether the system failure is linked to the lost and re-found equipment.
  2. Investigate whether the failure is a the result of a deliberate attack on the system
  3. Where 3)b applies investigate whether the attack is an act of vandalism
  4. Where 3)b applies investigate whether the attack is a calculated act of invalidation by competitors
  1. Procedures
  1. The Biotech tropiicana,IncFORENSICS SHALL coordinate the investigations with the Biotech troppicana,InCSECURITY TASK FORCE, and the Biotech tropicana,InCLITIGATOR .
  1. Reports
  1. Establish a separate report for each section in 3.
  2. Where 3)d applies establish a report for sasepCREDIT REPORT in light of applicable consumer protection laws and regulations in Benin Republic and applicable trade laws and regulations on territories of the African Union as set by the African Union Trade Commission.
  3. Where violation of applicable laws and regulations is established seize competent authorities for remedy.


  1. The complete satellite communication system is an exclusive property of the Biotech tropicana Systems acquired fully with internal resources of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  2. A primary forensic analysis of the evidences available suggests a deliberate and calculated act that falls into patterns of previous numerous  calculated acts of destruction of resources and work equipment’s of the Biotech tropicana Systems by terrorists sponsored by competitors of the Biotech tropicana Systems.


Case # 2:

Potential Linkages between blockade of assets and bioterrorism.

Case Summary.

Biotech tropicana Systems, a biotech company, complained of blockade of its assets in banks and transactions, and parallel biocrimes against its members, from October to the opening of this case on December 14, 2015.



  1. To investigate potential linkages between the asset blockade and the biocrimes.
  2. To isolate suspects
  3. To prepare an objective report that would justify a counter attack.

STATUS: In Progress.


Case # 1

Misplaced Or Stolen Items Classified As Properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Item ms1: HP Pavillon Lap Top Computer.

 Case Summary:

Item ms1, an HP Pavillon lap top computer was declared misplaced or stolen on November 20, 2015. Item ms1 was assigned to site 2, Parakou site of the Biotech tropicana,InCCOMMUNITY incubation site.  Item ms1 was last seen with suspectxx, a non-member of the Biotech tropicana Systems, and neighbour to the founder,s Parakou residence. An investigation file is opened to trace item ms1.

Keyword: misplaced; stolen; property of the Biotech tropicana Systems.


Item returned by suspect.

STATUS: Case closed


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