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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 9 2016

Goat Files:  A Reverse Linkage Analysis For Clues.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI



  1. Biotech tropican,IncFORENSICS.


An offender may establish a linkage with a target for the purpose of committing a violent crime or stealing from the target. The linkage may be of many types including houses, motor vehicles, animals, and more. Here, we analyse linkages for clues evident enough to establish potential violent crime or theft or both. We first establish the linkages. We then analyse for clues.

Keywords: Linkage; clues. crime. Theft;



  1. In household conflict of interest
  2. Management of shared ownership
  3. Public interference with private ownership
  4. Opportunism in organized crime



  1. House 1:

Target lives with grand mama since early age of life in house 1. House 1 has been and is still is the permanent living place of target. Let’s’ call it the gm-link.

  1. House 2 and the fish link.

Fish is a water bound animal that is rich in proteins. So when a chronic deficiency in protein was diagnosed in the population of city M, a food aid program donated tons of fish to the city M. target’s father who was in charge of coordinating rural affairs for city M received a large part of the fish donation in his service storage., for his rural populations  on visit t city M from city K, target brought back two 100 cans packs to his grand mama’s house in city K.

Grand mama hated the fish. “I don’t like the smell and it is hard to wash away from bowls.. I buy you a new bowl for your fish. And don’t it them in the house. .You must go outside to eat your fish”, she ordered.

Target told the fish story to cousin S. Unlike grand mama cousin S loved the fish. “ I let you eat your fish  in my house as long s you give one can for every visit for a fish party”.  We become friends by fish link. Target will sometime sleep in cousin S house after the fish parties. Target becomes a transient resident of cousin s house by fish link.

On next visit to city M, the fish was gone to rural populations; no more fish. Target did bring back a lot of cash. Cousin S likes farming goats and sheeps. He proposed to sell target one of his female goats for some cash and keep it in his goat farm. Target and cousin S get into business by goat link.

  1. House 3: dad’s house.

When neighbours initiated a sanitary construction nest target house, the dust from the site made target house unpleasant to live. Target negotiated with dad to live in his house during the construction period. Dad agreed. After the sanitary construction activities closed, Target returns to his house. A man living across the street from house 3 likes goats and provided an external goat link. Let’s call him E-goat link.

  1. External House 4

E- Goat link is somehow linked to external house 4 occupied by members of city P, based on speech specificity. Let’s call it the P-Link.


Target; clan owned about 6 large spots in city K.  Houses 1, 2, 3 are located on spot 1. Let’s move to spot 2.  3 houses may be of interest on spot 2:  target; house 5; sister house 6, and cousin S house 7.

House 5: target house.

House 5 is a business success story. Target modest investment of 487 . 000 of Benin Francs, roughly a thousand dollars USD in 3 building was back in the 1980s, a lot of money in Benin economy.. 1 million of Benin Francs or $ 2000 USD was sufficient to fully complete one building back in the 1980s. sister investment of her cash  in trade followed a different path reaching out to international “LA REDOUTE” chain stores in France., capitalizing above the million by mid 1980s. while sister evolved in trade, Target will shift investment toward a knowledge economy to reach beyond continents to the global economy. Different strategies, many buildings. The main difference being that while sister can claim solo ownership on buildings she later builds, target must depend on shared ownership with parents. Solo ownership, shared ownership, or joint ownership; what’ the difference? This will lead us to ownership link.


House 5 has a twin in city P; next to target city P official residence. 

House 6:

Sister strategy to go first the trade and then to building in reversed of target strategy to first to building then to knowledge based trade.  Sister owned many buildings in slot 2, and one copy building of building 5 in sister owned slot s by airdrome, creating a house 5b link.

House 7:

Target is frequent visitor cousin S house 7. Target will sometimes spend the night in cousin S house. Cousin S was a good friend and business partner of target; until cousin S falls in love with foreigners; nice girls ugly habits. Target will quit his relations with cousin S.  While target considers cousin S as a friend, on analysis it appears that cousin S is an opportunist who is friend only when he gets some profits from the friendship.  

House Link Synthesis:

gm-link: house 1; grand mama’s house.

fish link: cousinS house

goat link: cousinS house

E-goat link: external house in face of dad’s house in slot 1.

P-Link: external house 4 with established evidences of linkages to e-goat link.

S-Link: Cousin S House, Irrelevant.


Ownership link: house 5 owned by target, dad, and mum who have no direct use interest on building: on visit they leave with sister. House 5 a copy twin in city P, next to target city P residence.

house 5b link: a copy of house 5 by airport owned by sister. Target has no ownership on building. 


Ownership scheme:




OW-1: In conflict

OW-2: Not in conflict

OW-3: Is clear

OW: Ownership:

OW-1: technical skills in providing care to livestock that provided the initial capital.

OW-2: major contributor in cash toward building obtained through business and trade activities from the initial capital.

OW-3: second contributor in cash toward building obtained through re-investment of salaries for business supervision activities back into the business. As of last available recording close to CFA 500. 000 applied toward purchase of cement and roof in construction of three buildings. A relatively big investment back in the 1980s.

As of last info house 5 in city k is on contracted rent status.


Car Links:

On last target founds car of kaki color of previously known brand and name in yard of house 5, in city K.

Car of white color of the same brand and name was often parked by house inhabited by target and family members in city AC. Target family members lived in house in city AC for three months.

Monitor car of kaki color in house 5 in city K, for the next three months.


Capital Links:

Target house 5 in city K and twin house in city P are capitalized toward target owned company. Target previously experienced capital blockades. 



Scenario 1:

House 5 is under contracted rent and kaki car belongs to occupants, with no malicious intent.

Scenario 2:

Kaki car presence in yard of house 5 in city K may be linked to white car of the same brand and name often parked by the house in city AC, nearly during all three months residency in city AC. This would imply a possible linkage between house 5 in city K and house inhabitated in city AC. 

Scenario 3:

Contracted Rental of house 5 in city K may be linked to malicious intent to interfere with target business activities.



More data is needed to confirm or exclude any of the three scenarios.



House 5 in city K and twin in city P are of special interest to target due their linkages to target businesses. Files must be monitored thoroughly for any clues to confirm or exclude the scenarios in hypothesis; particularly in light of scenario 3 that nay require legal and though responses. 

Rental contracts on all building with clear ownership of target must be established. Where contacts in valid form are available, occupants must supported and assisted as needed, On date of expiration of contracts, occupants must release building.

In case of conflict competent authorities having jurisdiction on the issues will be seized.

In case of mafiosi attack, anti mafiosi solutions must be considered:: including deadline ultimatum to leave voluntary or face the risks of evacuation, in coffins.



Investigation in progress.


Future directions in investigation

Dad does not contest target ownership on any property, and put target on responsibility of security of his ownerships. Dad coordinates management of his ownerships with younger brother since target long residence abroad. An arrangement that target supports since younger brother is  more knowledgeable of the local business environment. Here, we must specify that younger brother management authority is limited to joint ownerships with parents that are local, but not of capitalized ownership assets of target that operate on a global scale.  Mum likes to rent buildings for cash. Future investigative work shall elucidate all rental arrangements on all buildings. More data shall be collected to improve security performance. Target standing as owner and chief security places target in confortable position to meet the challenges of any Mafiosi activities.



Investigation in progress,



In process.




On car Links:

Target, wife, and daughter travelled from city C to city P in kaki car identical to the one found in yard of house 5. Car owner was from city P, and belong to a group of friends of target in city P.  Then one may hypothesize that the car in yard of house 5 may belong to members the group of friends: a friendly presence hypothesis? Then one may reason that the white car by house in AC may be linked to the group.



On capital links

In a Mafiosi context, it is not excluded that target capital acquired through honest contract implementation is blocked, stolen, and used to rent target owned building own building, to copy house keys and steal more valuable materials from the house.

Due to capitalization of target ownership and assets in house 5 in city K and twin house in city P, any issue related to buildings at issue must be addressed strictly in accordance with applicable internal policies, and external laws and regulations.



Neighbors by grand mama’s house were good friends, and provided electricity and meals to target for some cash, until they turn ugly. Electricity service does not balance for cash provided. Meals were the same even where target provided more cash. Target will quit away from ugly neighbors: particularly where their females became sex warriors.




Transfer of ownership from house 5 to house 5b concluded, with co-owners. Official transfer protocols initiated.  



 House 5b occupied based on ownership on house 5.


Occupation agreement reached with co-owners of house 5. Ownership transfer from house 5 to house 5b initiated. Based on information provided by co-owners of house 5, owners of house 5b does not contest occupation or ownership transfer.  Yet,  occupants of house 5b and co-owners of house 5 retained ownership on house 5, until all ownership transfer protocols are executed consistent with applicable laws and regulations, before officially accredited authorities.  


Co-owners of house 5 and occupants of house 5b are favourable to ownership transfer from house 5 to house 5b for business diplomacy purpose. Land property around house 5 is occupied by members with business interests focused around one cultural zone. Co-owners of house 5 and occupants of house 5b operate businesses within two economic zones and one cultural zone. Transfer would save counterproductive time and resources invested toward cultural alignments to be invested in productive commercial activities and generation of new wealth.


  1. Occupation agreement of house 5b reached.
  2. Ownership transfer in process.



Updates 2:

On house 5:

House is under approved contracted rent. Occupant is therefore legally occupying building.


House 6:

Building 6 located by airport is under ownership transfer process. House 6 is to be acquired by target as part of a debt resolution process. Dues on debt to be applied on house 6by target. Documentation of acquisition process initiated. Documentation status is satisfactory; a dully signed and legalized document established. However, document is not registered. Second document requesting registration of document 1 was registered. The two documents when combined are legally valid.

Issues with registration process of house 6:

Patterns of df difficulties in the registration process of house 6 are very similar to those encountered in the collection process of the debt being applied to building 6. The pattern profile suggests that the group or groups involved in blocking the cash capital now classified as a debt are involved in the blocking attempts of the registration process of building 6. In line with this reasoning, a logical hypothesis is that the group or groups collected our cash capital, invested our cash property for almost a decade to multiply the initial cash capital. They are then trying to apply the gains in investment of our money to buy our house. Assuming this hypothesis true, we are dealing here with an organized crime group or groups. They failed in the documentation process. Analysis of the errors committed by the groups decade ago in the blocking process of the cash capital and the errors committed in the blocking of the registration process of building 6 suggest that we are dealing here, with low to average educational background. We will apply the debt to acquire building 6 and request the losts in in investments for donations to the recipients of our financial and technical assistance program who indirectly loosee because we loose



Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (11.07.2016)
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