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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 5 2016

The Behanzin Project

An Investigative Report

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI


Project Initiator:

Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS


Project Owner:

Biotech tropicana Systems



  1. To investigate whether the living Behanzin in Benin Republic are biological relatives of the late king Behanzin of the kingdom of Danhomey, using forensic DNA analysis techniques.
  2. To demonstrate the feasibility of accurate DNA forensic analysis using biotech systems and protocols developed exclusively in the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. To demonstrate the forensics authority of the Biotech tropicana Systems through scientific publications of the results in international scientific peer review journals.


The project is designed to be developed and implemented in three phases:



The exploratory phase will collect data for the design of a model protocol that will guide the execution of phase 2.


Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER.




Phase  II will develop biotech systems and protocols for the execution of the investigation processes.


Biotech tropicana,InCFPRENSICS



Phase III will organize all data from phase II for archiving and publication in international scientific peer review journals through which the results of the work can be screened and evaluated by international experts and authorities in the field.


Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM



  1. Contrary to all programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems that are FOR PROFIT, the Behanzin project is a NOT FOR PROFIT program.

Contrary to all programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems that are opened to ALL based on performance, the Behanzin project has the following restrictions for the benefits of the programs:

  1. Active participation to the program SHALL require demonstration of African Union (AU) citizenship or valid permanent resident immigrant ID card of a member country of the African Union.
  2. Candidates that cannot demonstrate requirement 2)a may  actively participate in the discussion forums.
  3. SPECIAL STATUS OF FOREIGN NATIONALS OF AFRICAN ORIGIN. Foreign nationals of African origin may actively participate  in the program using a special card issued by the board of directors of the Behanzin project based on criteria set forth by the board.

* DNA will be collected from foreign nationals of African origin for comparative analysis.


Consistent with the Biotech tropicana Systems ownership of the program all funding rules applicable in the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL apply. SEE POLICY 3, Funding Policy. Biotech tropicana Systems.    



To participate in the technical aspect of the work the Biotech tropicana Systems Hiring Policy and Collaboration Policy SHALL apply in addition to all restrictions set forth in the EXECPTIONS SECTION. .

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

Biotech tropicana Systems.




Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (04.01.2016)
Views: 183 | Rating: 0.0/0
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