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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 1 15 2017

Pattern Analysis In Systematic Thefts Of Properties Of The Biotech tropicana Systems:

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

Investigatrice Reports:


Affiliation :

1.Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS



Numerous items of the Biotech tropicana Systems are being systematically stolen. The stolen items share a common property. They all contain data that may be of value as raw material in technology and process innovation. A new trend of donation of finished products of technological innovation is being operated in and around the sites of thefts. The pattern analysis suggests that the parties receiving the finished products organized the thefts. The stolen raw materials are being transferred to the donors of the finished products in return for more finished products. The Biotech tropicana Systems are the first black owned biotech company that operate in the area of raw material transformation into finished products; From the pattern analysis, we conclude that the recipients of the finished products are the thefts of our raw materials, in a circle of organized crime.

Keywords: Organized crime: Raw materials: Finished products: Dirty competition: Tech market.



The Biotech tropicana Systems operate in developing countries for more than a decade. By late 2016s and early 2017s, the system encountered a substantial raise in theft of items classified as properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems: particularly in the archiving Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM unit. The stolen items share a common property of containing of archived technology innovation related data. Wh6 may have interests in Biotech tropicana Systems owned data, and why? This investigative report profiles for possible links to the stolen items.



The Biotech tropicana Systems developed numerous products for marketing in developing countries. Our marketing protocols assume operation in cleaned competing zones. Dirty competition is classified as exceptions. Yet, in light of the potential for damage, dirty competition needs to be considered. Here, we discuss selective scenarios in dirty competition.


Principles in dirty competition in developing countries: Linkage between raw materials and market.

Raw Materials:

Competitor must not be at any cost permitted to compete for raw materials with traditional user of local raw materials. Then competitor is not permitted to develop capacity to transform raw materials. Essential tools needed in the raw material transformation process must be stolen or destroyed.

Key: Capacity to transform raw material into finished products.



Competitor is not permitted to take products to market to compete with traditional vendor on market. Competitor ‘s products must be stolen or destroyed before reaching market.



In tech business, WEALTH and JOBS are located in the TRANSFORMATION PROCESS that is targeted for destruction by mafias.


Strategies to incapacitate competitor;

Selected Scenarios in dirty competition:


  1. developing countries, corruption is the most powerful weapon against competitor. The institutions and persons in charge of corruption and crime control are corrupted to attack the very principles, they are trained to protect, and destroy any potential competitor..


An organization authorized to fight corruption and crime cannot execute criminal activities. The organization will transfer execution to criminals for a reward: a criminal organization is born, to fight competitor in a dirty raw materials and market war.


The criminal executes crime without any fear. This suggests that the criminal is promised some protection from those the criminal is supposed to fear.


Soft way, or hot way, or a combination of both:

The purpose id to remove the competitor from a competing zone to a no competing one.

Soft Spot:

Dirty competitor can use a female to attract the competitor out of competing zone through seduction.

Hot Spot:

Hot spots of hard-line criminals make it impossible for competitor to operate in competing zone.


Developed Countries:


Mafia units will use pressure to secure a market. In the worst scenarios, tough competitor may be physically eliminated. Mafias typically operate in developed countries. New pro poor mafias are appearing in selected developing countries.


Pattern analysis:

Q: Who are the recipients of the finished products?:

A: the bosses in organized crimes.


Q: Who are the donors of the finished products?

A: the recipients of our raw materials.


A new type of theft: Stealing intellect.

The organizers of the theft of intellect do not have enough intellect to understand the value of intellect. The intellect ignorant can exchange a raw material of billion times more value after transformation for finished products of low value. Systematic thefts of items of the Biotech tropicana Systems last over a decade. They did not succeed in stealing a comma of intellect value to the Biotech tropican Systems, confirming the superiority of our security system.

The only thing they have ever successfully stolen is what we give them as aid for their good. They destroy it against themselves.

The Biotech tropicana Systems emerge as a technological super power. They fell to become a failed state: a demonstration of the superiority of intellect over collection of outdated finished products.


Founded in 2000, in line with new millennium global development concept, the Biotech tropicana Systems introduce a new type of business in developing countries, the business of knowledge. The Biotech tropicana Systems applied knowledge to locally develop goods and services for sale, in areas that are traditionally consumers of good services developed elsewhere. The people living in those areas are traditionally providers of raw materials and consumers of finished products, excluded from the transformation process of their valuable raw materials.


Projects of the Biotech tropicana Systems are often criticized of being too long, it takes too much time and consume a lot of capital.

REPLY OF THE Biotech tropicana Systems:

The TRANSFORMATION PROCESS of products of the Biotech tropicana Systems is square3y within the range of identical imported products. The people living in and around our sites of operation are simple not used to experience the transformation phase in products development because they have traditionally simply been excluded from the transformation phase. We develop strategies to protect our transformation lines of no value to them from being stolen and exchanged for imported finished products of many more less value.



Aligned with the new millennium global development concept, the Biotech tropicana Systems introduce a knowledge driven new type of business that is revolutionizing the macro economy of these areas for both traditional vendors and traditional consumers. The new concept will encounter tough resistance from traditional vendors and their allies both local and across borders: thefts and item destructions are common. Yet, applying its smart strategies, the Biotech tropicana Systems successfully implemented its new concept with many products in line for the targeted markets.


Biotech tropicana Systems:

A place for everyone with a good moral character, in a globalizing world.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

For the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (03.27.2017)
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