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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 14, 2016

Naïve Apprentice Thieves And The Bogus Diploma Handicap Of The Biotech tropicana systems.

How Illiteracy Can Harm Business And Society.

An Investigative Report.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS



The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private biotech company that operate over a hundred of processes and technologies are different levels of development in its business and technology incubator. The owners have evidences of claims that some of their processes and technologies under incubation may have been stolen or seized by some unidentified individuals operating in the shadow: a challenge to the security system of the Biotech tropicana Systems that need to be addressed. Beyond claims the owners have no official evidence of any seizure by any recognized authority. Reports of the Biotech tropicana Systems security system indicate that the items claimed to have been stolen are in fact fragments of published marketing materials. Reported claims of diploma handicap of members of the Biotech tropicana Systems were traced back to science illiterates with no clue on relationships between academic standing, diploma, and technological innovation. Yet propagation of false claims can cause harm to business and to the beneficiaries of products of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS unit therefore investigated for any basis for the false claims in an effort to highlight the scientific grounds that obviate the false claims for the purpose to protect the business interests of the Biotech tropicana Systems in a manner that is consistent with its pro life pro development policy. The investigation reported that the claims are baseless.    

Keywords: Academic Standing: Diploma; Technological Innovation: Business: Market: Dirty Competition: False Claims:



On Scientific Authority:

Differentiating  between scientific opinion and scientific principles

  • scientific opinion: expressed by a single scientist on own scientific work; not controlling in sciences.
  • scientific principles: established by an internationally recognized scientific committee (panel); have controlling authority

On scientific affiliations:

  • a scientific work must be affiliated to an institution with a verifiable address. Biotech tropicana Systems affiliated all scientific works to affiliation Biotech tropicana, Inc, incorporated with a verifiable address. A work published in secrecy without a verifiable affiliation is not admissible in the world of scientists. If the scientific work is a product of a private science based business activity, that product cannot pass the test before regulatory institutions such as the US FDA. Therefore the product cannot be sold legally. When the product is to be applied on humans, implementing the product in secrecy without approval would raise a serious ethical issue: a violation of law.


On Funding:

The Biotech tropicana Systems relied primarily on sales of goods and services made in the Biotech tropicana Systems to fund its internal activities.


On Diploma, collaborations in scientific research, and grant allowance:

Diploma: Aboubakar YARI, founder and ceo of the Biotech tropicana Systems encountered technical difficulties in developing and defending his PhD thesis. Yet this does not constitute any barrier to grant allowance, development, and commercialization of products of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Why?

  • Grant allowance:

Grant selection processes may be roughly grouped into two steps: 1) a blinded step that allowed grants based on scientific merit of the application 2) an institutional capacity to execute granted program step that favour multiple institutional collaborations.

Step 1: Blinding phase:

Grant applications are evaluated by a scientific committee of experts in the field of application based on scientific merit of the application. This phase is blinded. Any identification information of the applicant institution is cut off and assigned a number. Then the scientific evaluator has no way of knowing who is applying.  The application is evaluated solely based on scientific merit. At this step the diploma of the applicant is irrelevant.

Step 2: Institutional, the PD/PI model.

The PD or program director must demonstrate incorporation document (legal status) and verifiable contact address for the institution and all members participating in the granted program. The Biotech tropicana Systems always complied with all requirements of this step and successfully registered ton numerous grant application platforms.

The PI or principal investigator is topic specific>. A typical program of the Biotech tropicana Systems will require at least three PIs, in Genetics, Biochemistry, and Bioinformatics. The Biotech tropicana Systems work primarily with mostly retired professors as internal members of the scientific body of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Where appropriate external capacity may be solicited to supplement internal capacity, in the form of consultancy and collaborations.  

Consistent with the PD/PI model and the internal capacities of the Biotech tropicana Systems, diploma is no barrier to grant application and processing, product innovation, development and commercialization. Furthermore, development of a single system of the Biotech tropicana Systems that passed the scientific peer review provides a scientific basis for developing 1 to 5 five PhD thesis. The Biotech tropicana Systems claimed numerous peer review innovations that meets the 1-5 PhD thesis threshold.. In  PhD assignments, the Biotech tropicana Systems will naturally give priority to its members. Diploma issues that may be a barrier to developing certain programs in the early 2000s, were no more a barrier to any activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems since the 2010s. The Biotech tropicana Systems gradually developed capacity to overcome any diploma barriers to its internal activities: an example of the incubation and gradual step wise operation approach of product development in the Biotech tropicana Systems.  BY 2010, Biotech tropicana Systems will not accept a  PhD proposals from foreign institutions when we have many in our own institution.


In technological innovation diploma issues are controlled at two levels:

  1. Scientific committee (panel)

That supervise the scientific concepts underlying the technology. The supervisor must hold the diploma not the innovator.

  1. Regulatory body

Members of the market access regulator such as US FDA or UN regulatory bodies such as the World Health Organization regulatory body for health related technologies MUST hold appropriate diplomas not the innovator.

On Product Development

Typically such complex systems are developed in biotech hubs where all required skills are brought together in one spot in a giant incubator. Biotech hubs are scarce to inexistent in developing countries. The Biotech tropicana Systems developed a strategy to incubate capacities needed to incubate other incubators. They are Biotech tropicana Systems specific Biotech Hubs of incubators in incubators, with an objective to develop Biotech tropicana Systems owned Biotech Hubs in about a decade. With such capacity developed the Biotech tropicana Systems can develop a biotech product from raw material to Biotech tropicana, IncSTORES free from dependency on hard to reach developed world Biotech Hubs, from developing countries. The United Nations are pushing for a global partnership for development. Still there will be zones of protectionism where nations will protect their hubs from foreigners for own interests.   

On Commercialization:

Authorization to commercialize must be applied for and granted by a regulatory body. If product owner want to reach the global market, the authority of the regulatory body must be internationally recognized. The United Nations regulatory bodies covered most programs in developing countries. SATEC, the SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre is designed to cover regulatory needs for the 54 states of the African Union.

On Security:

Many regulatory bodies will require the scientific concepts underlying the tech product be submitted before a scientific panel for peer review publication as part of the validation process before the regulatory body. Scientific concepts underlying techs innovated in the Biotech tropicana Systems passed the peer test before scientific committees. The concepts are peer reviewed, published and most importantly ID linked to a verifiable affiliation (Biotech tropicana, Inc), and registered in a database. For scientific concept publication of Biotech tropicana, Inc  pubmed ID in pubmed database. The same concept is first ID in the database of the editor and in other scientific databases. Once the scientific concept is affiliated to an institution, no other institution can raise the scientific argument again before a scientific committee. If another institution attempts that, then the scientific committee will place the repeating argument where it belongs, trash can.

If you cannot pass control point 1 then you cannot pass control point 2. Then you can never implement the product legally. If you insist in implementing the product illegally, then you risk heavy punishment including long prison terms. 

On Classification:


  • The Central Biotech tropicana Systems coordination unit is located in Kandi, Benin republic, African, Union.
  • Biotech tropicana,IncAU incubated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, African Union focused on innovation of biotechnologies aligned with the development objectives of the African, Union.
  • The commercial coordination unit Biotech tropicana Corporation is incubated in the United States of America.

With the enactment of the African Union citizenship, we classify the Biotech tropicana Systems as a privately owned African biotech company with US citizen ownership designed to operate in any other part of the world as a foreign company.



Published DEMOS of the Biotech tropicana Systems have two objectives:

  1. The demo expressed the scientific concept that is submitted to a scientific committee for peer review; a one step security that linked the ownership of the concept to the affiliation, Biotech tropicana,Inc. Any post date repetition of the concept would inadmissible before a scientific committee.
  2. Advertising the product while the product is being developed; a marketing material.


The final product has a different design from the DEMO. The real design for the market will not be published until the patent on the product expired. DEMO is just a demonstration of the concept. Many essential components are deliberately missing in the demo. When you steal a demo, then you fragment of a scientific concept that has been reviewed and ID, and affiliated to institution and authors, on date. Nowhere on that planet another institution can claim ownership of the concept past the date. The sad thing is that the time and resources invested in desperate attempts to steal illegally what cannot be stolen worth more than the time and resources it takes to make a new another one legally.   Investing time and resources toward a clear cut loss raises the hypothesis that the real reasons of the war are technology ownership but a race war. It doesn’t make sense. A reasonable human being does not invest so much time and resources to loose. One race is not permitted to innovate and own high techs beyond the control of the other race. Technology claims are just an alibi to hide the reason that cannot be expressed openly in modern civilization. It’s like one train can hide another train. The tech train is designed to hide the real train, the race train. A race train designed by red necks old klans,  In a new context the old klan has miscalculated and failed in a 20 years pursuits and failures.


We discuss some key successes and challenges in the development of the Biotech tropiama Systems, a privately owned biotech African company with US citizen ownership. In 15 years of development, from 2000 to 2015, the Biotech tropiama Systems are definitively set as a major player in the global biotech market.


[1] A. YARI ; V. YARI ; And M. YARI: Rsatec: A Small Regulation For The Big SATEC. Biotech tropicana Journal (1)(5) xx, 2016. Available at


Biotech tropicana Systems

A place for everyone with a good moral character, in a globalizing world.





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