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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 13, 2017

Land  Files:  Lessons From Loss Winners In Land Occupation Scenarios.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS



We conduct explorations to collect data in efforts to make a synthesis summary of our ownerships on lands and other properties around one city, after a long stay abroad period. We found that changes have been made during our absences, in violation of policy guidelines set forth by the founders. Our investigations revealed that the operators of the changes win serious losses as a consequence of the policy violations. We suffer zero to minimal loss by strictly proceeding according to the rules set forth by the founders. We deem very important to share our experiences with others to avoid similar loss wins for the clan and other clans in similar scenarios. in the future.  

Keywords: Property ownership: Solo ownership: Group ownership: Policy: Foundations:



Land acquisitions

Numerous land spots were acquired by the founder in or around different villages in the community.



Land management and value adding guidelines set forth by the founder: The working group concept.

To manage and add value his numerous land spots the founder set strict policies. Each member must work and operate only within one land and one working group. A member of a working group shall not visit or take anything form a land operated by another group. Groups are formed based on skill needs, not based on genetic relationships.  


Post founder changes:

The founder gave clear instructions on the management of his properties. Yet, after his death changes have been made contrary to his will.


The violation of the founder policies and guidelines causes serious losses to the game changers. The change from working group concept to genetic relationship concept causes members of different groups on different lands to become grouped around a single land spot ant many other land spots to become abandoned. The result is that you have of the same clan now fighting for a small piece of land where neither should not be based on the founder working group concept: while abandoning large pieces of lands elsewhere where they should be based on the founder policies.  Recent expeditions on all lands owned by the founder showed many abandoned larger pieces of lands now occupied by government’s buildings. Moving away government from these lands is a tougher battle than the unnecessary internal clan member battles.


Importance of respecting policies in foundations.

The founder left more lands than clan members. Then should the policies be respected, there should not be any land battle within the clan.




Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (01.03.2017)
Views: 195 | Rating: 0.0/0
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