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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 12, 2016

Forensics sciences, Applied Forensics, And Forensics Innovation. What’’ s the difference?

Aboubakar YARI1 & Venus YARI1



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS


Forensics sciences, study basic scientific principles of forensics.  Forensics sciences are typically thought in  department of forensics and/or criminology of accredited universities,  by  professors in forensics or criminology. A typical forensics sciences program will require nine (9) years of formal academic training program to get a PhD in forensics, plus a three years specialization in a forensic field to complete a post doc program, for a minimum of 12 years of university training to become a forensic science expert.  

Applied Forensics, is typically performed in a private or public forensic laboratory such as the US FBI labs to solve crimes. In a typical forensic lab, you will see lab operators with a four year bachelor degree, a six years master degree, and PhD supervisors. Typically to be admissible in courts, the results of a forensic lab must be analysed  by a forensic expert to issue a forensic decision. A forensic expert qualified to defend a forensic decision before a judge, will have the minimum 12 years university training program plus many years of experience. Typically a judge will reject a forensic decision issued by a forensic lab without an expert with the 12 years minimal qualification background as inadmissible in court. Forensic decisions are serious matters based on which a judge will take decisions that have serious impacts on lives of human beings, such as long term   imprisonment or death penalty. Courts are very strict on qualification of the forensic expert that issued the forensic decision. Judges want to make sure that they are issuing a death penalty court decision by error.

Forensics Innovation focuses on innovation and manufacturing of kits and tools used in a forensic lab. The Biotech tropicana Systems forensic program focuses on forensic innovation; especially our forensic program aimed to innovate forensic kits and tools tailored to resources and expertise of forensics labs in developing countries.


Biotech tropicana, IncFORENSICS.

The Biotech tropicana, IncFORENSICS program is at early stages incubation. The unit is developing capacities in forensics sciences and applied forensics as a background for forensic innovation.



  1. A forensic expert with the classical 12 years minimal qualification is eligible to operate in the Biotech tropicana Systems forensic program as advisor or consultant. Such an expert will typically be a police officer and lecturer in forensics or criminology in a university program: confer references 1 and 2.
  2. A self proclaimed forensic expert without the minimal 12 years university training shallnot be permitted to operate in a Biotech tropicana Systems forensic program, under no circumstance.  
  3. A police officer without the minimal training  background may be eligible for partnership in data collection activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems forensic innovation program for a fee.



[1] Janice A. Nicklas Ph.D.,Trisha Noreault-Conti Ph.D., Eric Buel Ph.D. Development of a Real-Time Method to Detect DNA Degradation in Forensic Samples TECHNICAL NOTE . CRIMINALISTICS. Available at;jsessionid=9809C7C59CAD1C3A346D88BC19B5A6C0.f03t02


[2] J. Fletcher,1,* C. Bender,1 B. Budowle,2 W. T. Cobb,3 S. E. Gold,4 C. A. Ishimaru,5,† D. Luster,6 U. Melcher,1 R. Murch,7,‡ H. Scherm,4 R. C. Seem,8 J. L. Sherwood,4 B. W. Sobral,9 and S. A. Tolin10 Plant Pathogen Forensics: Capabilities, Needs, and Recommendations. Available at  


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