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Investigative Reports (1):(1) 11, 2016

Documented Or Not Documented: Breaking The Document Code.

Aboubakar YARI1 & Venus YARI1



1.Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS


Ownership of a property may be demonstrated with documents established by a designated official of an administrative territory. Without documents, ownership may be demonstrated using alternative means accepted by a designated official of an administrative territory. Trading proposals of properties were made to the authors. The trading would result in exchange of officially documented properties for non documented properties. Here, we investigate for potential conspiracies in the trading proposals.

Keywords: Property: Ownership: Official Document



Investigate for potential conspiracies in trading proposals of motored bike, motor vehicle, and houses on grounds of availability or no availability of official documents.


  1. Motored bike

Author 1 owned a motored bike with official documents established by an administrative territorial authority. Proposals were made to authors to trade the documented motored bike of lower performance for another bike of higher performance. Authors 1 accepted the deal on condition that the bike of higher performance be documented and that the trader accepted to sign a property transfer document before a recognized administrative territorial authority. The trader accepted to sign the property transfer document but claim that the documents of the motored bike are not immediately available on site of trade, but available on another site. The trader promised to bring the documents as soon as the trader will visit the site of availability of the documents.  Authors 1 believe the trader and the Bike was exchanged at site the trade. Yet, despite the trust placed on the trader authors 1 set a deadline for trust. The document must be available on or before the deadline. Passed the deadline the trader must return the documented bike and take back the undocumented bike. The trader agreed. On the date of the deadline, author 1 visited the trader to collect either the document of the new bike or the documented bike. The trader claims to be very busy at work and did not have the opportunity to visit the site of availability of the document bike, but proposed to arrange a time slot soon for the collect of the document of the new bike. Author 1 disagree for failure of the trader to abide by the deadline agree upon resulting in a lost of trust. Author 1 demanded that the documented bike be returned. The trader claims to have sold the documented bike because of need of cash and beg for more time to bring in the documents of the new bike. Despite numerous visits to collect the documents of the new bike, the trader did never provide the documents until the police seized the new bike for lack of documents. The police will not return the new bike without document, but will charge a daily bike storage fee until author1bring the documents. The storage fees become higher than the value of the bike that author 1 reasonably abandoned the bike to seek for another bike.      


  1. Motored vehicle

In apparently the same trend a motor vehicle was proposed to author 2. Both author 1 and authors 2 have no control over the documents of the proposed vehicles. Learning from the motored bike experiences, author 1 declined the proposal on behalf of author 2. Author 1 purchased a documented  private motor vehicle to family member of author 2. Author 2 will use the documented vehicle until a new documented vehicle is purchase for author 2. Authors will be not be taking no chances with a potential conspiracy scenario. Particularly in light of vulnerabilities of the family member of author 2 to manipulations.


  1. Houses

In apparently similar scenario, author 1 has ownership on documented private house. A deal to trade the documented private house with another house on which author 1 has no document was proposed to author 1. Author 1 will decline the offer, unless a property transfer document is established before an officially recognized territorial administrative authority. Here again author 1 has d6cuments to establish ownership for investment before traveling abroad for study. According to a co-owner author 1 fund were applied toward purchase of cement and roof in buildings in which author 1 claim ownership. “You will get no money back, because owner 1 applied your fund toward building. Then you get the buildings”. The house trade deal here gain smells like the bike deal 


A general pattern that emerges from the three scenarios is a transfer of a property from a document controlled status to a lost of control status on another of higher performance or value.


A documented or not documented status was investigated on properties of the authors. Investigations are in progress to gather evidences  to formulate potential conspiracy hypothesis.


[1] Internal Investigation. Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS.


Motored bike, performance, and trade:

The new bike of higher performance was proposed to authors 1 as a gratitude to services provided by author 1  to a brother of the trader. Authors 1 owned another motored new bike. Authors then had to travel for study for a long period. Before traveling author 1 donated his new bike to the brother of the trader. The brother claims to have used the donated bike for a long period, then sold the bike to buy another new bike and donated the new bike to the trader. On return from study abroad, author 1 needed a bike for coordinating his businesses. Author 1 took an abandoned motored bike owned by his father and fixed it. the bike was old but run good and most importantly the old bike was documented. The old bike was first granted to authors 1 father for services in a government project in cooperation with foreign partners. At the end of the project before leaving the country, the foreign partners who brought in all motored vehicles sold all motored vehicles to project participants who used the vehicles. Authors 1 father then purchased the old bike and another motor vehicle that were provided to him as grants for the projects. Both the motored vehicle and the old motored bike were released to authors 1 father with a “BILL OF SALE”. The old motored bike was abandoned in the garage for many years. With permission of the father, on return from study abroad author 1 took the old bike and fixed it. The old motorbike ran good with a “BILL OF SALE”. According to the trader for author 1 services to his brother in the form of donation of a brand new bike, and the transfer of the donation to him, author 1 deserves a better bike than the old bike. The trader and associates claim to have bought a new bike, and proposed the bike to authors 1 on condition to collect the old documented old bike. Author 1 accepted the recognition of gratitude for his services and took the new bike on conditions to get the documents of the new bike. On analysis the recognition of gratitude placed author 1 into series of successive what appears as bike related conspiracies. Investigations are in progress to establish evidences to prove bike related conspiracies; for

  1. A “YELLOW BIKE” without document traded for the documented old bike, and then seized by police followed by
  2. A government owned “KAKI BIKE” without document provided to the security team for security related activities in the home of a government associated family member. Author1 will often use the kaki bike on visits to the home of the government associated family member.




Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (12.06.2016)
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